
The fringe: the princess of all cuts

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Everything changes, spring and autumn have all but disappeared, and it all used to be countryside around here... All clichés or sayings, but not the fringe; a fringe is always a style you can count on!

With fringes we have seen so much beauty that it is impossible to name it all: the first fringes began to appear in the 1920s as the inevitable frame for the bob, before taking on a life of its own, accompanying short, long, wavy and straight hair...

In fact, the fringe is not a rule, it's a lifestyle. In the 1950s, big stars like Brigitte Bardot and Claudia Cardinale made the fringe a popular style as a universal icon of sensuality. In Italy, the blonde fringe worn by Raffaella Carrà has become the stuff of legend. Today, Kate Middleton is the one holding the sceptre of the princess of the fringe, while Katy Perry is the pop queen.


No rules, I’m a fringe
There are no hard and fast rules for a fringe; no lengths or shapes that have to be followed.

It can be long or short, full or accentuated, regular, asymmetrical, natural or fluffy: its dynamic nature makes the fringe an all-round, adaptable style that can be modelled to suit your chosen cut.

Of course, there are some distinctive features: a short, asymmetrical fringe creates a bold, gritty look, while a straight long fringe down to the eyes will have a more elegant, romantic result.


Who does it suit?
It’s up to the stylist to adapt the fringe to the customer’s face. Ideally, a fringe looks best on someone with a high forehead and a rectangular or long face.

A side fringe is normally suitable for any type of face or hair.

If your face is round, you should opt for a light, layered fringe, while a longer face needs a layered fringe to the side.

A long fringe, down to the brow (and sometimes even longer) looks good on a square face, with straight, smooth hair.

The irregular, bed hair fringe is perfect for a more angular, prominent face.

Rounder faces need a short fringe because leaving part of the forehead bare will lengthen the face.


What type of make-up should I use?
A fringe is easy to care for and looks jaunty, meaning the only thing that needs attention is make-up. Let's take a look at some basic rules.

With a short fringe, brows need to be perfect.

And eye make up? Best not to go too far. The eyes are already highlighted by the fringe and so they just need a light touch of make up. If you really want to be bold, then use the smoky-eye effect, but keep it to a minimum.

And those who want to keep it classic, with an effect that never fails: dark eye-liner and deep red lipstick and voilà your fringe is elevated to perfection!

So, are you ready to fall in love with your fringe (again)?